Tuesday, November 6, 2012

summary of the essay

In "Encouraging Your Child to Play Sports" by Scott Lancaster, shows that 70% of children quit playing sports and the number will increase in the future. And Scott Lancaster suggests parents encouraging their children to play sports. He thinks it is the time for a change to the young children about 12 years old. Then Scott says children should forget the scoreboard, and he offers five suggestions: let children get involved; hold league-wide practices/clinics; let kids decide; let kids coach; and establish a parent representative. Finally he claims that parents can help return youth sports to what they should be.

In the article “Why Is Exercise Good For You?” from life learning today website, the author started with a saying to point out that as soon as you exercise your body will respond by building new cells and tissues. Then he continues to explain how exercise makes body stronger and healthier by showing the effect of movement in blood vessels, red blood cells, heart, muscle, and VO2 Max.When you exercise all of them will start working and making your body become fresh and fill of energy. The author also shows that it doesn’t matter what kinds of sports people play, all of them will good for your body.

vocabulary learning

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